The Gang Joins a Cult • Realm Dungeons & Dragons Game • Episode 4

We're a barbershop that has a grooming product line, but it's all built upon an epic fantasy world, crafted from the fantasy of our world. We also play D&D in it every other Thursday. These are those stories.

Welcome back to the game! The gang is on a quest to root our cult activities in the sunny city of Tharbad, but every time they solve one problem, more pop up right behind them.

This session the gang defeats a hag, reunites two lovers (aww), assembles a crew to infiltrate the cult, and prepares to rescue Ripp's sister.

How all this came about, or, The Realm: A Guided Tour • The Building Blocks

Want to dive deep? That's what the World Anvil is for.

Want to smell the kingdom of Midgard, where are characters are right now?